Jason Doss is the owner of The Doss Firm, LLC, an Atlanta-based law firm devoted to representing consumers across the country in a variety of areas including investment disputes and consumer class action litigation. He has helped recover millions in damages from well-known financial services companies on behalf of individual investors who lost their life savings due to bad investment advice and in some cases, financial fraud.
Jason Doss is past-President of Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association (PIABA). PIABA is an international bar association devoted to protecting the rights of the investing public. Mr. Doss is also a founding board member of The PIABA Foundation, a charitable organization devoted to promoting investor education.
One of the most popular investor education tools is FINRA BrokerCheck, which allows consumers to research the backgrounds of their financial advisers for free, including prior customer complaints against the broker. Historically, however, FINRA’s arbitration process has made it too easy for brokers to erase valid customer complaints from BrokeCheck, which harms investors.
Through his work with the PIABA Foundation, Doss co-authored two studies that analyzed the problems with FINRA’s expungement arbitration process and recommended critical changes that need to be made. As a result of the hard work Doss and his colleagues, in 2022, FINRA proposed changes that will significantly improve the expungement process and reduce the number of valid complaints from being erased. As a direct result of the PIABA Foundation’s work, one of the most significant changes adopted by FINRA is that state securities regulators will be permitted to participate in expungement arbitrations to oppose the requests when appropriate.
Jason Doss believes that the best way to avoid becoming a victim of consumer fraud and/or investment abuse is through education. To help prevent investment and consumer abuse, Mr. Doss co-authored a book with best-selling author and investment adviser Frank Armstrong III, entitled The Retirement Challenge: Will You Sink or Swim? It was released in January 2009 and is currently sold at book stores across the country.
In addition, Mr. Doss served as an adjunct professor at Georgia State University College of Law and helped run the Investor Advocacy Clinic, a law clinic allowing law students the opportunity to provide supervised representation of aggrieved investors who cannot otherwise obtain and/or afford an attorney to represent them in disputes with financial advisors and brokerage firms.
Mr. Doss has also written and lectured on legal topics related to securities arbitration. Jason Doss co-authored his second book entitled, A Practitioner’s Guide To Securities Arbitration, which was published by the American Bar Association and released in March 2013. That book is used at many law schools across the country as a primary text to teach students about securities arbitration practice and procedure.
Jason Doss co-authored two Georgia Bar Journal articles, Holmes v. Grubman: The Supreme Court of Georgia Balances Financial Advisor Common Law Liability (February 2011) and Georgia Securities Act – Let the Buyer Beware (June 2005). He has also published several law articles on investment-related topics in the PIABA Bar Journal. Notably, in 2014, while PIABA President, Mr. Doss released two reports entitled The Inequality of Investor Access To Information (March 2014) and The Importance of Arbitrator Disclosure (October 2014). Both reports received national news coverage from publications such as the USA Today, Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Reuters. Those publications have also relied on Mr. Doss for analysis of other investment related legal issues.
Jason Doss has also been politically active in Washington D.C. over the last several years in raising awareness and advocating in favor of law designed to protect investing public.
Mr. Doss earned his J.D. from Florida State University in 2002 and his B.A. from the University of Florida in 1997. He is admitted to the bars of Florida and Georgia as well the 11th Circuit and other federal district courts.
- Florida State University - J.D. - 2002
FSU Alumni Board of Directors from 2002-2005 Mock Trial Best Advocate Award Mock Trial Coaches Award
Bar Associations
- Georgia State Bar
- Florida State Bar
- Public Investor Arbitration Bar Association
Member Since: 2001
PIABA is an international organization devoted to protecting the rights of the investing public. Jason Doss is a member of the Editorial Board of the PIABA Bar Journal and served as its Editor-In-Chief from 2005-2007.
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